Friday, July 17, 2020

The Prayer of a Beta Male

O Triune God, 

In your mighty and unsearchable ways, you have made me slight in the eyes of men. You have made me the object of ridicule and disdain, fit by natural order only for the lowliest places. You see the deep anger and frustration within me, you see my sadness and discontentment, as well as my pride and arrogance. All you are and have you offer freely to me, and yet I covet the petty and meaningless praises of man, the adoration of women, and the false god social status. Forgive the arrogance of my heart to believe that you could ever not love me, forgive my pride in putting myself ahead of my brothers and sisters, and most importantly, you. 
Unoriginate Father, teach me that you are the source of life, and that all apart from you is dead and passing away. 
Only-begotten Son, remind me daily of your humility whilst here on Earth, being also lowly in state, humble and gentle, and dying a slave's death, and that it is in living as you lived that there is true life. 
Life-giving Spirit, teach me to live as Jesus lived, and to aquire you. Then, I say with the psalmist, shall sinners be converted unto you. 


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